News 2017-2018
Songs and Dreams to be released in September
My new solo recording is finally ready to be released! It has been a long process, but I'm so pleased with how it's all come out and can't wait to share it. The CD release party will be:
Sunday, Sept. 30th at 2pm
Hereford Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library
16940 York Road, Hereford, MD
Admission to the release party is free. Refreshments will be served and
CD's will be available for $10 each.
​More information about Songs and Dreams
August 2018

Baltimore Harp Camp
Every summer I have the pleasure of spending a week with a group of young harpists through the Baltimore Harp Camp, a day camp for students interested in spending a week intensively focusing on their harp skills. Below are a few photos showing students playing duets and working on thier harp history project. I've also included a beautiful portrait drawn for me by one of the campers!
August 2018

Blue Lake Public Radio
On Saturday, August 11, I'll be featured on Blue Lake Public Radio, in a broadcast of Maurice Ravel's Introduction et Allegro from my recital at Blue Lake on July 2nd. Below is a video from the recital, a performance of La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin by Claude Debussy.
July 2018
Artist Residency in the Blue Ridge Mountains
I'm thrilled to have arrived at my summer artist residency in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. I have a cabin to live and work in, surrounded by the forest. It's refreshing to be in such a beautiful setting with only my work to focus on. Here's a video I made of myself in my cabin playing Maurice Ravel's short Prelude in a minor.
July 2018
Impressionist Recital at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
In a few days I'll be heading to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lake, Michigan. In addition to working with high school harpists from around the country, I'm going looking forward to collaborating with fellow faculty members on a solo and chamber recital of impressionist works for the harp:
Danses: Sacrée et Profane Claude Debussy
En Bateau Claude Debussy, trans. H. Renié
La Fille aux Cheveaux de Lin Claude Debussy, trans. M. Grandjany
Clair de Lune Claude Debussy, trans. M. Grandjany
Trio Elegiac Arnold Bax
Le Tombeau de Couperin Maurice Ravel, trans. J. Pollauf
Introduction et Allegro Maurice Ravel
June 2018
Make Music Day at the Baltimore County Public Library
The Baltimore County Public Library system has declared June 21 Make Music Day and all of the branches will feature live music of some form or another. I performed at the Essex Branch in the afternoon and the Pikesville Branch in the evening, and so many patrons told me how very much they enjoyed the chance to experience some live music. Thanks to Julie Presley for the great photo!
June 2018

Harp and Cello Recording with Dariusz Skoraczeski
Dariusz Skoraczewski, the principal cello of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and I just finished up the last of several recording sessions, so our forthcoming album is now completely recorded. Of course, there's still a lot to be done before we can release it, but we're getting closer!
May 2018

Summer Artist Residency
I'm honored to be the recipient of an artist residency through the Wildacres Residency Program, in Little Switzerland, North Carolina. This July I'll spend two weeks in the beautiful and inspiring wilderness working on new compositions.
April 2018

Performances with Trio Sirènes
Trio Sirènes (Marcia Kämper, flute; Karin Brown, viola; Jacqueline Pollauf, harp) has several performances coming up this spring. All will feature music by a variety of composers, including J. S. Bach, Maurice Ravel, Ladislas Rohozinski, Arnold Bax, and Sungji Hong.
• April 22, 5:30pm, Music in the Valley, Reisterstown, Maryland
• May 6, 7:30pm, Chamber Music by Candlelight, Baltimore, Maryland
• May 25, 8pm, All Saints Concert Series, Manassas, Virginia
More information is available on my calendar page. Below photos by Lawrence Siegel.
April 2018

Performance with Dariusz Skoraczewski
Dariusz Skoraczewski, the principal cello of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and I had the pleasure of performing at the Light Street Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. We were set up in the children's section, as you can see from the below photos, and library patrons were free to set and listen or wander around looking for books. We had a great time and an enthusiastic audience! Thanks to Lawrence Siegel for the amazing photos:
March 2018

Sing into Spring Concert
Tomorrow I'll be performing on the Columbia Pro Cantare's Sing into Spring concert. I'll be performing Handel's Concerto for Harp in B flat, as well as solo harp piece Nocturne by Alan Hovhaness, and also joining the choir for two pieces by Stephen Paulus.
Here's a snipet of a preview article of the concert in the Baltimore Sun Newspaper.
March 2018

Photos from Goucher Recital with Laura Whittenberger
Thanks to photographer Lawrence Siegel for taking the beautiful photos below at last month's voice and harp recital with soprano Laura Whittenberger at Goucher College.
March 2018

Thoughts on Bach
Recently the Concert Artists of Baltimore, an organization I have the pleasure of performing with from time to time, asked me to write a blog post about a piece of music of my choosing. Bach has always held a special place in my heart, so I decided to write about the Andante from Violin Sonata no. 2.
February 2018
Le Bon Petit Roi d'Yvetôt Arrangement Available
A recent arrangement I did of the French folk song, Le Bon Petit Roi d'Yvetôt, is now available on I've always liked this folk song, and there are several different solo arrangements of it in the harp literature. In this arrangement, layers are continuously added through the different sections. Click here for more information.
February 2018
New Position at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
For the past few years, I've been spending a few weeks in the summer at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lake, Michigan, teaching harp for high school campers from around the country. I have now accepted a position as harp department coordinator at Blue Lake, overseeing various aspects of the harp department. I'm particularly excited about working with the various ensembles at Blue Lake to include harp students more frequently.
January 2018
Baker Artist Portfolio
The Baker Artist Awards are a program designed to recognize outstanding artists in a variety of disciplines within the Baltimore area. Any eligible artist can make a public profile, which then serves as their application for the awards. I recently put together a portfolio and found the process of gathering so much of my work into one place quite rewarding. Click below to browse through the portfolio or watch any of the forty videos included:
Jacqueline's Baker Artist Portoflio
January 2018
Photos from Concerto Performance
Below are a couple of photos from last weekend's performance of François-Adrien Boildieu's Harp Concerto with the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra. Despite snowy weather, everything went beautifully!
December 2017

Upcoming Concerto Performance
This weekend I'll be performing François-Adrien Boieldieu's Harp Concerto with the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra in Salisbury, Maryland. I'm really looking forward to this!
December 2017

Performance with Dariusz Skoraczewksi
This fall I've had the pleasure of performing with Dariusz Skoraczewski, the principal cellist of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, several times. We really enjoyed playing together and have been making plans for more to come! Here's a photo from a recent performance:
November 2017

New CD
My new recording is coming along really well. Below is the beautiful cover that my sister, graphic designer Aleona Pollauf, created for me. This album will feature some lighter music, including arrangements of Over the Rainbow and Scarborough Fair, as well as a couple of Gershwin transcriptions. More info coming soon!
November 2017

New Vanderbilt Music Publication
Vanderbilt Music has just released my arrangement of five songs by Gabriel Fauré for harp and voice, originally written for voice and piano. The arrangement is now available as both a print version and digital download.
Click here for more information.
October 2017
Video of a New Composition
Sunrise is one of my new pieces from my recent artist residency. It's based on the folk song You Are My Sunshine and a song from the 1960's called Colours by the British singer-songwriter Donovan. I was initially working on an arrangement of Colours and somehow You Are My Sunshine found its way in too. Here's a video I just made of the piece:
September 2017
New Recording Project
I'm excited to announce that I'll be recording a new solo album in October, featuring several pieces that I composed at my recent artist residency, based off of folk songs and other well-known tunes. As the project progresses and I figure out a release date, I'll share more.
September 2017